
We may have given up on NASA discovering new galaxies in space, but here in the NW, we’re working on exploring the far reaching corners of our community to discover and cultivate cultural space! Not long ago, I heard the exciting new that Seattle’s Office of Arts and Culture has launched its Cultural Space Program, appointing Matthew Richter to lead the charge. Exciting, indeed, given his catalyzing work over the years as arts entrepreneur and his recent work at Shunpike with the Storefronts Program.

Screen shot 2013-06-02 at 2.03.41 AMBellevue, in fact, has been working with Matthew to develop Storefronts Bellevue. “Storefronts Bellevue is a neighborhood activation program, helping communities with vacant storefront spaces in an attempt to revitalize the urban cores of our city. We bring life, brightness, marketing, security and walkability back to our sidewalks. Storefronts Bellevue programs a series of arts installations and pop-up galleries and other creative enterprises in short-term uses of vacant retail spaces. Roughly every three to four months, a different project will inhabit and activate an empty space, until that space rents to a commercial tenant.”

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